

网上祭祀,网上祭奠,线上祭祀,线上祭奠 2022-06-21 452 0


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  Be careful of using words that have a negative meaning in American English. The word “propaganda,” for example, means something like “government-controlled brainwashing” in the US. (Your best choice is to use the words “marketing” or “publicity” if you want to indicate that you organized a campaign to raise awareness of a certain problem.) Likewise, in the US we do not use the words “cripple” and “retarded”; we use “handicapped” (or even better, “disabled”) and “developmentally disabled” or “mentally challenged.” We don’t call old people “old people”—we call them “elders” or “the elderly.” And we prefer “businessperson” or “business professional” to “business man.”

  慎用美式英语中一些含有否定意义地词汇祭奠节日写地文书。例如,“propaganda”这个词在美国就有点“政府洗脑式”地宣传地意思了。(如果你想要表达你发起一项运动来提高人们对于某一问题地认识地话,最好选用“marketing”或是“publicity”。)同样地,在美国,我们也不会用“cripple”或者是“retarded”之类地词,取而代之地是“handicapped”(disabled更好)以及“developmentally disabled”或“mentally disabled”。我们在称呼老人时也不直接用“old people”,而是用“elders”或是“the elderly”。我们也不经常用“businessman”,而是用“businessperson”或“business professional ”。


  Vary the length of the sentences in your essay. If you have written several long sentences in a row, insert a short sentence to give the reader a break. Variety in your sentences will make your essay easier to read (and thus more memorable). It also demonstrates that you have a superior command of the English language. And don’t be afraid of including a one-sentence paragraph. A one-sentence paragraph (especially at the beginning or end of your essay) will be very dramatic and grab the reader’s attention.



  If English is your second language, don’t try to make it hard on yourself by writing really long sentences and using large vocabulary words. (Don’t say “internationalization”; just say “international.” Why use “metropolis” when you can just use “city”?) Remember that the readers are not hoping to be impressed by your vocabulary—they want to be impressed by your story.



  If you are applying to graduate school, your personal statement will need to include detailed evidence of your research. For example, if you are applying to a graduate program in biology, your PS should include specific descriptions of experiences you have had, such as research projects, internships, work in biological laboratories, and such. The other key elements for graduate study applications are what you want to study, the field you are interested in, the background you have, why you have chosen this particular program, and your plans after graduation.



  Avoid using inappropriate reasons for why a particular college is attractive to you. (I have actually seen essays where the applicant described how much he “loved” the University of Chicago and wanted to date her, and another where the applicant wrote that NYU was attractive because she just loved the color purple on the NYU website.) You must read the website carefully to discover specific programs, activities, curricula, distinguished professors (and the like) that you can point to and say, “THIS is why I want to go to University X.”



  Do not tell the school how good it is. “I want to attend the prestigious University X because it is a top US college with an international reputation,”just sounds insincere.



  Catch the reader’s attention in the first sentence of your essay by writing something dramatic or humorous. In one excellent essay I read, the applicant (hoping to major in entomology), wrote this: “Ahhhh! There are bugs in the shampoo!"Doesn't that make you want to read more? (He then went on to describe how his mother had found one of his “science experiments” involving insects, and how experiences like this made him want to study entomology.)



  If you start with a story, you can end with some reference to the same story. (Our entomology student, for example, could then mention his mother’s shock again in his last paragraph.)



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